Many different diets, magazines and articles will give guidance to when you should weight yourself. Once a week, every day, clothes on or off, before you eat?? Here are my thoughts; I say weight yourself as often as YOU need to stay motivated! For some it would be once a month, maybe if they weren't necessarily dieting but just to check in and see how they are maintaining. Others need to do it every week, maybe stepping on the scale every day is discouraging and you can stay more motivated by working hard all week and waiting to see what the result will be. For myself, I like to weigh every day. No, if I have a crappy night and give in and pig out on a package of Oreos it probably isn't going to show up the next morning on the scale. BUT if I am eating like that for several days in a row, I'm going to step on the scale and notice that maybe I better lay off the Oreos! For my own personal motivation weighing everyday helps to keep me focused on working hard.
What do you do? How does weighing in effect YOUR motivation??
I was weighing in everyday but, then I felt so disappointed everyday because it would be the same thing. (and I'm trying to loose weight). So, I've just started weighing in once a week. (I used to do weight watchers and A fat girls club (put on by some girls in my neighborhood) I seemed to have better results in waiting a week and getting a one or two pound weight loss than getting disappointed in not seeing anything. I am back to doing this weekly weigh in and hopefully I'll see huge results in a month : ) Heres too hoping right.