So I deleted my "diet blog" for several reasons.
I have been dieting since I got fat after my 1st baby 12 years ago. So in between having babies I have joined thousands of others on the quest to get back my "pre-baby" figure. Come pretty close a couple of times. In 12 years I have participated in Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, done the South Beach diet, grapefruit diet, HCG diet ,used green tea suppliments, SEVERAL weight loss products from Hi Health, been on Phentramine and probably a TON of other things if I sat and thought long enough. Up until 3 years ago I was an avid exerciser, averaging workouts 3-5 times a week. I LOVE to exercise and found a love for running as well. Having twins and another baby 22 months after that really put a damper on my quest to be fit. I have tried many times to get back into the swing of things in regards to diet and exercise but have never managed to stay consistent due to LIFE hahahaha!!
So I made a decision over Spring Break. NO MORE DIETING!!!! I could give you all my opinions about every diet I have done (and if you really want to know, just ask) but that would take hours, and the point is, I have decided I don't want to do it anymore. My life is SO incredibly busy now that I cannot find the time to stick with anything, wether its weight watchers, counting calories or ommiting certain food groups. I don't have time to make myself a different meal every time I feed the animals at the zoo, I don't have the money to spend on expensive groceries for just me either.
My mom has been in the fitness industry since I was 8 years old and I am grately inspired by her! She looks more amazing now than she did when she was my age! (notice how I very conviently left out our ages LOL) She has made changes to her everyday eating habits that not only keep her thin but also allow her to indulge in treats or yummy meals when she wants to. She also continues to teach Yoga and has started running. So I guess I am inspired to make this "lifestyle" change because of her.
I am a HUGE emotional eater and I super love food....who doesn't? So I have to make changes that I can actualy live with, that are realistic and also things that I can pass on to my kids. So back to the purpose behind this blog. I decided that I want to have a minor in food/nutrition/fitness.....something in one of those areas, so what a better way to start than to begin this blog. Doing research, posting my own finds, tips recipies etc. I am SUPER excited about this and am going to constantly be making changes to this blog to make it what I want it to be. I want you to be able to ask questions, post your own experiences, your own tips or recipes or anything else you may think is relevant. I don't have a degree (yet) and I am no professional (yet) BUT I am a mom who wants to get back into my size 6 jeans again someday and am SUPER done with stressing out over dieting and even more done with feeling guilty when I fail or get sidetracked.
I have already begun making some major changes, not only for me, but for my family. I want to be fit and healthy and I want my family to be fit and healthy. I will post facts, recipies, tips, as well as respond to any questions. I'm excited about this and I hope that not only will it keep me focused and motivated but it will also inspire others to make changes in their lives that will lead them to a healthy and fit life!
Sounds great! Do label your posts: Recipes, Exercise Tips, or whatever so it's all easy to pull up and follow when the blog gets going strong. and Good luck!
ReplyDeleteYou are so cool girl! I love it. You are on the right track now. After each and every baby I've always been left with 30 extra pounds, and eating healthy and exersize are THE ONLY way to go! You can do it! Studies show that exersize is always the way to permanent weight loss b/c it makes you feel so good that it's totally addictive! And you don't have to feel like you need to join a gym. Personal me your mailing address...I want to mail you something.
And can I please share with you my number one advice for losing weight? I LOVE food too and you do not have to stop loving yummy food to lose weight girl! Weight gain is not about the yummy food. Extra weight is gained by eating when you are not hungry. For me that was when I was stressed or bored. You can re-train your brain to eat only until you are satisfied and not stuffed and you will drop those pounds like crazy. It's all psychological I'm telling you!
I totally agree Kristina, diets don't work just lifestyle changes. I am going to try and join u in this journey. Good luck!